Telescopic-eyed Red Moor Goldfish are metallic scaled but Moors can be found in all three scale groups, metallic, nacreous (calico) and matt. All three are discussed on this page.
Red Moors go through a normal color change from bronze to black to orange/red. Black Moors are meant to stop at the black stage. This is why many Red Moors are just Black Moors that have gone through a normal color change.
When Red Moors are bred, the color change to orange/red can take longer than normal for metallic fish. Many never go through the color change and remain black.
Varied and vivid colors are desirable in the nacreous variety, with red, blue, white, black, purple and yellowish-brown scattered all over the body and fins.
When nacreous Moors are bred, they will throw 50% nacreous scaled progeny, 25% metallic and 25% matt as all nacreous scaled fish do.
Another trait common with nacreous goldfish varieties, the metallic fish often take some time to color, if they do at all. With Moors the development of the eyes tends to bring on the black coloration.
Red Moors mixed with Black Moors makes a striking color combination in an aquarium.
Country of Origin: China
Maximum size (body length): 5 inches (125mm)
Caudal Fin: Paired, can be short, long and forked or similar to a veiltail but with a small fork no greater than a third of the length.
Dorsal Fin: Present
Anal Fin: Paired
Scale Type: Represented in all three scale types, metallic, nacreous (calico) and matt
Eyes: Telescopic
Distinguishing traits: Telescopic eyes, deep body
Breeding: The telescopic eyes make it harder for the
males to find the female. Don’t clutter
the breeding container so the female can hide.
Use as many males as possible for each female, the more the better. Another benefit of using more males means an increased fertility rate of the eggs.
Male/female differences are less obvious outside the breeding season because of the short round body shape. Often the female will have a slimmer body shape than the male giving the impression she is a male.
The white tubercles that appear on the male’s operculum (gill plates) and leading edges of the pectoral fins in the breeding season are the best indicators of gender.
Special requirements: Not to be kept with normal eyed goldfish.